Tery Holly

A self portrait of Tery

Meet Tery Holly from Coral Springs, Florida.

My name is Tery Holly. I currently live in Coral Springs, Florida although the story below took place in my home town, "podunk" Lake Odessa, Michigan.... :-( The following story may be a bit wordy, but it's all true.

In 1972, I had to buy my girlfriend a birthday present. She wanted "Homecoming". So I peddled up to the local drug store (the only place a 12 year old has access to records, in my one horse town....) and bought it for her. I peddled the 4 miles out to her house (on a dirt road-no less) to give it to her. She was kind enough to let me stay and listen to it-considering I went to all the trouble to get it for her. The first song I heard was "Till The Sun Comes Up Again". I was hooked. On the way home I used the rest of my allowance and bought the record myself.

Friends come and go-but America is still my favorite band!

Feel free to send your comments or questions to Tery.

Written: 26 July 1996
Last Revised: 9 November 2000