Leo Zita

Meet Leo Zita from Cebu City, Philippines.


I got to have this title coz` now i`m a 33 yr. old musician, when i was 14 yrs. old. i listened to my sister`s tape of "america-greatist hits", everything was different, very unique, the guitars, drums, bass etc. I said Wow, this is something, that`s were i picked up the guitar of my bro.Now my dream is to see them perform live and to complete a collection of there albums. You know, this is the philippines, all i remember, they performed here at cebu city, bacolod city manila, Philippines. it just happened that i didn`t belong in any part of that city and can`t afford too as well at that time. I wish they`d come to cebu city, philppines, again.

The albums i haven`t got yet are: america, homecoming, hat trick, holiday, hearts...it`s because the music industry here don`t make them old albums anymore, even though in the early 80`s this albums were not around anymore....ordering them is which i can`t afford, all i do is listen to them sample tracks on the internet. i was hoping if anybody out there would have an idea of how to get them, although ihad a few of them early albums recorded to tape from an old record bar, but it wasn`t too good because there records were wear out in time already, for me it was still worth it. America will always be in my heart since i owe them of what i am today as a musician.....especially my rhythm hand playing, ventura highway, hangover, tin man etc. contributed to it a lot. I`m proud to be a part of there lives too....by the way how`s my english, no matter, the bumps will mend. excited to hear from anyone, my e-mail address is, leezita@yahoo.com

long live america!

Feel free to send your comments or questions to Leo.

Written: 5 March 2000
Last Revised: 12 March 2000