Beth Singer

Meet Beth Singer from Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.

I live in a western suburb of Philadelphia with my husband and two kids, Drew (age 10) and Lauren (age 7). I grew up here and I think it's a beautiful place to raise my family. My kids are going through the same schools that I went through, and I hope they accumulate as many happy memories as I have.

In 1973 I met a friend who introduced me to America. I immediately loved their music. I quickly became a major fan. I have to admit I also had a crush on Gerry! America was having a concert at an outdoor theater at the Robin Hood Dell West in Philadelphia. My friend and I went early to try and greet their limo. We waited at the back gate and they finally arrived. The guard opened their gate to let the limo in and told me that I could go through too. I think when your a young teenager, you believe that when you have a crush on someone famous, they would fall off their feet with love, when thew saw you! I walked up to the side of the limo and knocked on the back window. Someone lifted their head up from a sleeping position and it was Gerry! He looked at me and put his head back down!! I wasn't dissapionted, I was so happy to see him up close. So now as an adult.... Gerry, you owe me an autograph!!!!!!

My love for the group continued strongly as I got older. In April of 1976, America was playing a concert at the Philadelphia Spectrum. It was the night before my sixteenth birthday. I was going with a few of mine and my brother's friends. We had fifth row seats and I was able to give Gerry flowers that he held up high and put them on his piano!! The show was fantastic and I was one happy America fan. After the concert we all left smiling. Our car was stuck in traffic on a small road waiting to get onto our main expressway. In the midst of our chatter my brother, Scott Ginsberg, said, "Beth, America's limo is stuck next to us! "With no shoes on, I jumped out of our car and yelled, It's my birthday!! Can I have a Kiss!!" The limo window rolled down and there was Dewey and another band member laughing in the back seat. Dewey was sweet enough to lean out and give me a kiss on the cheek. Both he and the other band member shook my hand!! I was totally thrilled! They were both so nice to this crazy teenager! It is a wonderful memory I've kept with me all these years.

As a teenager, and now as an adult, I have always loved America's music. Hearing it always reminds me of good times from my past. Back than, as I do now, I have always listened to their music to relax or when I'm happy or I use it as a lift when I'm feeling down. I thank them for that for my past and for the times to come in the future.

Feel free to send your comments or questions to Beth.

Written: 9 February 1998
Last Revised: 5 March 1998