Sandy, Utah Concert

Sandy Amphitheater

August 24, 2002

Group 2 of 3

Gerry and Michael.

Dewey, Willie, and Gerry.

As daylight slowly fades, the beautiful Wasatch mountains are still visible along with part of the crowd below.

View of the entire stage and the first few rows.

Gerry on piano and Brad on bass.

Gerry, Brad, Dewey, and Willie.

Gerry on piano.

Michael playing the guiro during "Wind Wave".

After "Sister Golden Hair" the band received a standing ovation. Then they came back on stage for the encore, "Horse With No Name". Gerry is thanking the crowd as Pete gets his guitar ready and Dewey, Willie, Steve, and Michael get ready to play.

Gerry points to Steve and announces that the webmaster of the America Fans web site will be joining them for the encore.

Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3

Last Revised: 25 August 2002